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Current Sermon Audio


The Book of Ecclesiastes:

A look at the book of Ecclesiastes and how the pursuits of life  are filled with vanity, but a life lived in the fear of the Lord is wise and honorable.

Previous Sermon Series

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 The Songs We Need

A look at several Psalms and how we can find rest amid a changing & broken world.

Click here to listen!



This book study is a look at Paul's letter to the Church at Ephesus and how the work of Jesus changes who we are and how we live for the glory of God.



Genesis is a book that is filled with essential historical foundations of the life, and through each story, we find a God who is at work bringing His plans of order and redemption to completition.



What is the purpose of God? Why has God given us His Spirit? What is closest to the heart of God? What does God want me to do with my life? The book of Acts continues the story of Jesus and how his mission is being fulfilled through the Church.



A study through the historical narrative, Esther. We see how the Empire of the World is at odds with the Kingdom of God. Where do we find hope, trust, & provision?

Click here to listen!


The Gospel of Mark

A sermon series that walks line by line through the book of Mark, highlighting Jesus as the Surprising Servant: God's King.


Advent 2018

A study over the four themes of Advent while looking back at Christ's first advent and to the future for his second advent.

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God's Church '23

A look at the importance of how God calls His people to live as a part of His church.

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God's Church '22

A look at the importance of how God calls His people to live as a part of His church.



Who is it that you feel is beyond the grace and forgiveness of God?” As Jesus asked us “who is your enemy you struggle to love?” This book will speak to our hearts and help reorient them towards that of Jesus’ missionaries!


God's Church '21

A look at the importance of how God calls His people to live as a part of His church.


God's Church '20

A look at the importance of how God calls His people to live as a part of His church.

Click here to listen!

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What is the Gospel?

As Christians, our lives are centered around the Gospel. This is a practical study on how the Gospel is necessary for those who follow Christ & those who don't.



This book study is a look at how God’s redeeming work in the Exodus reveals his merciful and loving heart for people.

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Advent 2021

Join us this Advent season as we remember the story of Christmas and see the faithfulness of God as his promises from Genesis are kept in the incarnation.

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A Theology of Family

The family itself is confronted with the need to be defined as to what it is, why it exists, & its responsibilities. The Scriptures do just that and this series of sermons will exposit what the Scriptures say about the family.


Advent 2020

Join us this Advent season as we remember the story of Christmas and how it moves our hearts to find hope, peace, love, and joy in Christ.


Advent 2019

A study on the songs of Christmas to see the beauty found in Christ's first coming and the hope, peace, joy and love it gives as we wait for his second coming!


Read Your Bible

A practical study on the discipline of becoming a better student of God's Word.

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